Well, this is the first post of the blog!
I started taking an online course in making web-pages (or so I thought), so i could make my own web site dedicated to all things old school in H!P.
I am slowly re-designing the old site, now that i know more about xhtml and css. It looks much better when you can style it with css, instead of just writing html. So keep an eye out, i'll try to finish it this summer.
What sucks though, about the class i paid a big amount for, is that that course only teches you HOW to write xhtml and css. Nothing about web esign. That is another course which i have to pay extra for.
That's not going to happen! I spent enough money already. So i'll work with what i know, and I think the page will turn out good :)
I'll be needing help with the site, especially when it comes to translating articles. I have a bunch of old school stuff, ... but can't read it. If you're interested in helping out send me an e-mail!
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